instructors instructors instructors
Lawrence E. Robinson, II
8th Degree Black Belt
Head Instructor
As head instructor, Mr. Lawrence Robinson brings over 42 years of training, competing, and instructing for an experience that is unique. His passion for development, growth, and improvement are unmatched.
Lawrence’s unique approach to teaching the art of self-defense along with his true desire to know and understand his students allows him to work well beyond any age group, and any physical, emotional, or mental deficiency. Having worked with students diagnosed with: cerebral palsy, turrets, autism, ADD & ADHD, Learning Disabled, and a variety of other concerns, Lawrence embraces the child’s unique qualities and builds from an aspect of strengths rather than a focus on limitations. He works with the students to adapt to their abilities and then to expand their skill sets so that they can reach established goals. Lawrence honed his skills in Phoenix for more than 30 years starting his first studio at 19th Avenue and Union Hills (Dragon’s Lair). He then applied his considerable knowledge to an even greater variety of children as the Kenpo head instructor at the Deer Valley Community Center from 1991-2011, where he worked with more than 150 kids per session.
Throughout his career, Lawrence has always ensured that there is a holistic approach to Martial Arts Training, one that addresses the need for self-defense abilities and allows for competitive/performance aspects while at the same time, keeping in the forefront the importance of each member growing and reaching goals both on and off the mat. Lawrence continually reminds students of the importance of being a Martial Artist and of exhibiting the qualities of honor, respect, discipline, and kindness at all times, not just when wearing a uniform and belt.
Lawrence prides himself on coaching; he has coached more than 12 AZ State Champion title holders (7 of which were children) and 5 IKC First Place finishers (3 of which were children). He also coached the winning Arizona’s Women’s Colored Belt Team at the IKC 2 years in a row. In recent years, he has proudly coached several top Mixed Martial Artists that have captured 3 national titles.
For himself, Lawrence won the New Mexico Jr. Lightweight State Full Contact title. He was a featured undercard fight on ESPN. He earned Seven Arizona State Championships, Five Grand Champion titles and was the ARA Top-Rated Black Belt Competitor twice. He finished 3rd place (twice) and 2nd place at the prestigious International Karate Championships (IKC).
In 2015, “Attitude First” Training Center was moved to the current location now known as the Attitude First Martial Arts Academy. With the designation of Academy, Lawrence and the staff are dedicated to providing top self-defense instruction through quality mentoring, helping students grow and improve as human beings as they reach their goals as a Martial Artist. He is responsible for training and assessing all of the other instructors.
Joel S. Levinson
3rd Degree Black Belt
Business Manager / Instructor
Joel is a 25-year veteran of the Martial Arts and a 36-year veteran of Fortune 500 businesses. He is honored and humbled by the opportunity to instruct at Attitude First Martial Arts Academy. He is currently the CEO of ExpandingStar, Inc., a company he founded to help companies and individuals reach their own potential! He leverages his unique combination of skills on and off the mat to be a catalyst for clients and students to succeed. Joel is the author of multiple books: Miss You: an inspirational book about his mother’s passing from breast cancer; Live The Risk: Escape your excuses and enjoy life!, a motivational book to help the reader design the life of their dreams; Defenders of SMASH, a martial art adventure story that was inspired by the kids at the center; and Bulls**t Brilliance, a sarcastic how-to make excuses book – that will leave NEVER wanting to make another excuse again. Joel is blessed with the 37-year partnership of his patient and wonderful bride, Jackie, and their two beautiful daughters, Jaime and Sarah. His purpose in life is to inspire everyone to achieve their goals and dreams!
Daniel Lovejoy
3rd Degree Black Belt
Mr. Lovejoy brings over 35 years of training, competing, and teaching for an experience that is unique. His passion for development, growth, and improvement is unmatched. He is supported by his beautiful bride, three daughters, and one son.
Mr. Lovejoy has the following coaching credentials: 2nd Dan Tae-kwon-do Black Belt and 3rd Degree Kenpo Black Belt
John Correia
2nd Degree Black Belt
John and family have been active Attitude First members since 2003. John founded Active Self Protection in 2011 to teach people in all walks of life to develop the attitude, skills, and plan to defend themselves and their families from harm. John revolutionized the use of Narrated Defensive Encounters now used by multiple Law Enforcement Agencies, Academies and hundreds of firearms and combatives trainers around the world. John specializes in empty-handed skills for firearms carriers and firearms skills for martial artists. He is a Rangemaster Certified Pistol Instructor, Sig Sauer Academy Semi-Auto Pistol Instructor graduate and patch holder with perfect qualification score, NRA Certified Pistol Instructor in Home Firearm Safety, Basic Pistol, Personal Protection in the Home, Defensive Pistol, Personal Protection Outside the Home, Refuse to Be A Victim, State of Arizona certified Armed Guard instructor, Law of Self Defense verified instructor graduate, NRA Range Safety Officer certified, and Certified Civilian TASER Trainer. We are also proud to say that John is a veteran of the United States Navy.