Category: News

It wasn’t okay to bully me!

One of the big issues facing youngsters in this day and age is the concept of bullying. Obviously, today’s youth have more avenues of interacting with others than previous generations. These new avenues; i.e., social media, etc. are creating new opportunities for interactions. Remember all interactions can either positive or negative outcomes. We need to be aware of the direction any interaction is heading so that we respond appropriately.

Challenge Completed!

Click here to see the video: Friends from across the country nominated Mr. Robinson and Mr. Joel to do the ALS ice bucket challenge. In true Attitude First spirit several of the students – Jake, Brandon, Mr. Dan, Ms. Jea, and Ms. Jackie decided to join. Of course, since we did the challenge […]

Time For The Ice Bucket Challenge!!! We have been challenged by several others schools.. So tomorrow morning is our day to meet up and support each other. Fortunately we live in Arizona, so cold and icy water will be refreshing.. right? Come for class on Saturday – bring a bucket, we will get the ice. If you want to get […]

Environment Influences

Environment is the first consideration in defending yourself. All too often, people tend to overlook the power they have over their environment. It starts with the choices you make.

Without a doubt kids have far less control over their environment because a lot of choices are made for them and because of that, they tend to believe they are completely powerless. Not only do kids accept aspects of their environment they can’t control, as a form of survival-they sometimes choose to embrace certain situations even though they know it to be “wrong.”

To avoid an internal struggle is a normal reaction when getting involved with the wrong crowd. Rather than contend with the internal fight of “right and wrong” it’s an easier choice to just go along with the crowd. The fear of becoming an outcast and not being accepted often overrides the fear of being punished.

Over time bad influences can act like a drug. They overshadow common thinking and tend to “take over” the individual. We know that today parents are often concerned that the youths in their household will fall in with the wrong crowd, make bad choices, etc.

AF Martial Arts Academy is here to help. We offer an environment that mentors today’s youth through activities designed to strengthen the belief they have in themselves and their abilities. These activities arm them with the courage and confidence to stand for what is right and wrong. Growing both physically and emotionally helps to eliminate the fear of not being accepted. Developing skills, knowledge and having positive experiences gives them the tools and freedom to express their own individuality, to be proud of their accomplishments and to learn from mistakes.

More importantly, here they know they have a place where they are fully accepted. They are part of an environment where they make an important contribution. Their choices matter and are an important part of progressing through our programs. Our track record of working with kids and being a positive influence towards their overall success has lasted over 30 years and we think we are part of making “better choices” and believe you will agree!

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