30 Day Challenge/Day 28: No Excuses
In a few days we will wrap up all the 30 Day Challenge and with this challenge we have often discussed the UMAS Precept. We have in the Precept a formula or countdown of 5-4-3-2-1. Actually there does exist in the formula/countdown a 0. We state that there are No Excuses only Results.
If all this works out as planned and if you the reader is actually reading this on the day of publish, you are reading on the 28th of November which happens to be Thanksgiving. We can’t thank you enough for not allowing the holiday to interfere with your commitment to complete this challenge. The idea is as you also will read in an upcoming article about Five Minutes a Day.
As we alluded to in Day 17: Putting Your Attitude First, thoughts are expressed through Attitudes which become ACTIONs (Yes, I like typing ACTION with All Caps so you never forget). ACTIONs become behaviors which ultimately become our destiny. If we start to commit to taking Five Minutes each day to focus on one specific activity for our improvement. We will achieve success beyond our original expectations.
Again, it was Mr. Joel Levinson that wanted No Excuses only Results added to the Precept and we all have to appreciate the addition. Without a doubt there may be reasons we don’t get in our Five Minutes each day but remember there’s a difference. A reason implies that fault is sincerely recognized and accepted….that you step up and take accountability for your actions. An excuse exists to justify, blame or defend a fault…with the intent to absolve oneself of accountability.
What we really want to watch for are the voices in our heads and then giving in to the excuses we tell ourselves. Once we believe the excuses, we allow them to become “real” and we then share them with others. Soon we allow the excuses to gain control. Giving in to excuses jeopardizes controlling ourselves (Day 13) as it sets us in to a negative spiral. We begin to focus on the excuses rather than the goals that we know will exemplify our improvement.
Even today I’m sure many of us are considering the “Five Minutes” we will spend enjoying today’s traditional meal. Are we going to overeat? Indulge in all the yummy sweets? Are we going to make excuses for our behaviors as issues involving drinking are traditionally at their highest over the holiday. More than any other. Do we have stronger reasons for healthy eating choices and responsible actions or do we create excuses that allow us indulgence?
I tend to believe regardless of the day we are ultimately more satisfied when we don’t give in to excuses but focus on the results of our ACTIONs
In closing, we want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving Holiday for you and your loved ones!